September 2018


Make Way for Ducklings

Robert McCloskey

CHP's Book of the Month for September is the classic story Make Way for Ducklings, by Robert McCloskey.  Perhaps a story that many of you already know, I love to talk about this story as it relates to storytime with your child.

We hear so much these days about how busy families can get, especially during "back to school season" in September.  Sometimes it can be challenging to find time each day to read together.  We are also frequently asked about the iPad and whether or not there are any great apps for children.  This is where Make Way for Ducklings comes in...

When I was young, my grandparents lived far away in Wisconsin and we used to drive to visit them.  That's a long ride for a little kid.  Because it was the olden days, I had a WalkMan (remember those?) and not an iPad.  Before we left on our trip, my mom made an audio recording of herself reading Make Way for Ducklings.  This meant that my brother and I could have storytime even when she was driving.  

If you are looking for a little extra time in your day, and yet you still really value reading aloud with your child (as I know you all do!), consider making a video of yourself reading your child's favorite book.  This video does not require hair and makeup - just you, reading to your child.  Some days you will find the time to sit down and read together.  Other days, your child can watch your video on the iPad.  It's not an everyday solution, but it can be a helpful piece of the puzzle of time when you have young children.  And it all started with an audio cassette tape recording of Make Way for Ducklings...

2017Cobble Hill Playschool